See Important notice in Blog below.
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We'll be away for Christmas.

Notice about availability of some items.

     Effective immediately and until further notice I won't be tieing bucktails in sizes over 2 ozs.   The slowly worsening deer tail shortage has finally caught up to me.  I have received my last shipment of tails until next Fall. As a result I don't have enough tails with long enough hair and of good enough quality to continue those sizes.  I expect this to continue until next October or November.      My apologies for this inconvenience but there isn't much I can do about it other than using artificial materials.  I would only do that on...

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Short break over the Easter weekend.

We'll be away from Thursday, March 28, 2024 and we'll be back on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.  As usual we'll be in touch to answer questions etc.  No orders will be made up or shipped during that time.        Tight lines!         dan

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Away for Christmas schedule

We'll be shut down for the up coming Christmas Holiday beginning on December 19, 2023 and returning on December 30, 2023.  As is our usual practice we'll be in touch and will be answering emails during that time but nothing will be made or shipped until our return. May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.      dan 

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Back from our trip.

We're back from Colorado and ready to get back to work.  Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

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We'll be away........

     We'll be away from Sept 23, 2023 until about Oct 13, 2023.  As usual orders will be accepted and we'll answer all email messages during.  However, no orders will be filled or shipped until we return.  We hope this doesn't inconvenience you or obstruct your plans.        Thanks and see you all when we return.

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